The best relationship advice for Men is mentioned here. Relationship is a state of connection, bond acknowledged by two persons towards each other and thus are ready to give up on anything to be with that person. Relationship is based on compatibility, thoughts and perspection of both the person for each other who are sharing the bond. Every relationship goes through various hurdles such as mental, social, consequences. But if both the person indulged in the relationship work on them together with believe in each other then there are no difficulties available for them.
Basically a women is brought up telling fairy tales and she believes a fairy tale for her is waiting too. Whereas this is totally not up to the mark with a expectations. Therefore these leads to further complications which can be overcome if men are guided towards the right way.
8 Best relationship advice for men
Men are most inexpressible being. They have emotions but are not taught to express it out as it’s a pity success of patriarchy. So guys be disheartened, this article will help you to improve and polish your relationship and keep your better half happy. The best relationship advice for men are mentioned here:
1. Acknowledge her efforts
When your partner is making all efforts to make your day smooth, to make you happy, to take care of you, you should take a second and appreciate her efforts towards you.
Women do not wait for gratitude for what they do, a simple appreciation of their work can make her day better and your relationship stronger.
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2. Apologize when you are wrong
Apologize when it’s wrong on your half, it affect your ego rather if you did start apologizing for small screw -ups later on you will be reluctant to apologize when the mistake is big and your deed broke her from inside.
3. Give her attention
After a whole long day she wants to share her whole day, and each and every details with you. This is the sign she explains how important you are to her. So give her attention, share your day with her and that would make her feel how important she is to you.
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4. Be her support system
A supporting person plays an important role in anyone’s life. When you, her better half, become her support system then nothing can be more asked for. Support her with her dreams, her ambitions, her aspirations as well as guide her too whenever required.
Supporting her would not only raise her self confidence but also she would be mentally and emotionally be strong as she would be relieved that there is someone to hold on if she falls back. Become her support system because she would be one for you forever.
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5. Respect her
Before being with you she had her own life, her own family, her own work, likes and dislikes which going to change only because you came into her life. With you or without you she is a whole individual person herself. So respect her, her work, her family, her likes and dislikes.
Relationship works with equal efforts of both of them in it. So when you respect her and her thoughts etc., you earn respect for yourself in her eyes. Respecting your beloved make you a smaller person. So respect her as the person she is.
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6. Be a friend to her
We all are familiar with the saying, “a friend in need is a friend indeed”. So you maybe her better half/ husband/ boyfriend bur first of all be a friend to her with whom she can share anything she want to without being judged. Share her thoughts and feelings with her. Be her go to person for always.
When she shares every part of her with knowing that you won’t judge her on any aspect makes her feel that she is safe with you and taken care of by you and gives you a very special place in her heart.
7. Be loyal to her
Women can not tolerate the thought of sharing her beloved with someone else. They are so in love and devoted that couldn’t think of men giving same kind of attention or importance to any other women out there.
Jealousy is a good sign of love and fear to lose the loved one. Be loyal, be committed to that one women who gave up on her everything just to be your everything.
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8. Make her feel special
Every woman wants to be pampered by her man. Making your lady feel special is the most extravagant feeling you can get. Take her for romantic dates, give her gifts, remember special dates, share her work load, take out a couple of hours from your busy schedule just to be with her, spend quality time with her.