Best tips for buying a new house are mentioned here. Buying a new house is a very tiring process. There are hundreds of things that might confuse you and leave you with a bad choice. Problems such as loan approvals, locations etc, might give you a headache. To avoid the problems, this article tries its best to list some suggestions that would help you make the correct choice. Below are ten such tips that are advised to be kept in mind while picking up your dream home. This list also serves the purpose of first time buyers as they might find such tips extremely useful.
10 Best tips for buying a new house
Here are the best tips for buying a new house mentioned below:
1. Location
The location is the primary thing that is to be kept in mind while choosing a home for yourself. The location plays a very important role in making any decision. The location depends on your daily travel or your preferred region.
For example, while looking for a house, you might want to compare the time it takes to travel to your offices or to places you frequently visit. The location is of supreme importance so it should be carefully looked at.
2. Budget
Your budget is another factor that is equally important. While buying a new house you must try not to exceed your planned budget. You should always try to minimize your expenses. One must not be too over driven by what your heart says. You must listen to your mind and make the correct choice.
The budget not only is dependent on the price of the house but also includes all the other expenses you might incur to fill your new house. Initially, you must try to only spend on extremely necessary things. Prioritize necessity goods instead of decorative items. Always try to spend responsibly and never forget your limits. Keep in mind that “less is more”.
3. Loans and EMIs
While buying your dream house, always have concrete and per-planned loans or mortgages. Always have a prior plan to avoid last minute confusions. You must try to finalize your deals of buying a new house only when you are sure of fully adhering to the payment terms of the seller. Always workout your monthly installments and your collaterals.
You must always try to be one step ahead and never delay bank regulations and requirements. Opt for loans that are easy to repay and you are sure of fully repaying them. Wash out your previous debts before taking a new loan. It will make things easier for you.
4. Neighborhood
A house is not only made of its interiors but also exteriors. When buying a new house, always check the neighboring area and ensure if it has basic amenities like hospital, nursing homes, market etc.
If you want certain things such as a gym or a movie hall nearby, you must always check it prior to making the final deal. Your requirements are best known by you than anyone else.
5. Research
A good an detailed research is always suggested before buying anything. However, before buying your dream home it is a must. You must be thorough with your requisites, location, needs and all other things.
Only research will be able to give you concrete information regarding things you might want to know such as a nearby school, cyber cafes etc. Always be fully detailed on your choices so that you know the pros and cons of your investment well in advance.
6. Middleman/Broker
A middleman or a broker might charge you a certain fee for his services. If you are well convinced with your choices you might skip the brokerage. However, not everyone knows everything about a particular house. A broker might ensure to deliver according to your needs and try to give you maximum satisfaction.
People such as non resident Indians or people coming from abroad might definitely need a broker or a real estate agent that might help you to buy a new house. An agent or a broker will give you all the necessary details and will help you to choose wisely from the options available to you.
7. Long Term
When choosing your house, always think of a long term investment. You must keep in mind your future requirements like nearest to a hospital or a local station for traveling due to extreme traffic situations anticipated in the near future.
You must also check for price trends of your house and its areas in case you want to sell it later. You must also ensure to choose from a long term perspective to make a better choice.
8. Transportation
As an individual, you must try to choose a place that is in a good proximity with transportation such as metro stations, railway stations, airport etc.
If you travel a lot you must also ensure that your area has ample taxi stand, auto-rickshaws etc. Try to look for well established places and routes instead of newly built ones.
9. Bedrooms/Architect
Houses are of different types and sizes. There are houses that have one bedroom hall and kitchen known as 1BHK and may range to as many as seven bedrooms or even more. As a smart buyer, you must layout a plan and choose the house according to your family. If you have a nuclear family with a single child then you might prefer a two bedroom house. You must also look upon the architecture of the house and try not to choose homes that are suffocating.
Try to choose houses with ample sunlight and wind from many directions. Try to choose the floor accordingly. If you wish to have your house at a certain height, you might choose the upper floors but if you have to think of your older age or about a person having difficulty to climb stairs you might want to go for the ground floors.
10. Paperwork
Always keep your paper work up to date. You must never delay in completing your dues and paperwork. Things like house documents, bank documents and other necessary documents must be kept completed and handy. They should be devoid of any discrepancies or errors.
Always check upon old house taxes and keep the papers ready. When buying and shifting to your new house, always ensure the payment of earlier water or electricity bills/dues and keep the proofs intact. Documents might be a nightmare if mishandled and not checked regularly.
Click Here: Find houses for rent near me by owner on 10 Best sites to rent a house
This article is made with a hope to ease out the extremely difficult and complex process of choosing yourself your home. However, the motive of this article is not to persuade you or hamper your own thinking as only you know what suits you the best. The only motive behind this article is to give you an idea and an aid to make your right choice.