How to get a girlfriend in a week? : The best way to get a girlfriend in a week is mentioned here. Isn’t it cute to a have girl around you who would take care of every details of yours? It seems that not every boy can easily turn the table in their favor. It is always difficult to attract a girl in just 1 week. Getting a girlfriend or getting a friend who is a girl is a daunting job. Friendship and relationship are the most cherished bond between two people. The bond which shares love, care, affection, trust should be handled with patience, compassion and care.
Relationship is all about romantic dates, long walks, gifts and lot more. For being into a relationship, it is important to have a partner who understands you, guides you and lead you to the way of happiness. A life Partner in a form of a beautiful girl seems little pessimistic for boys. They are scared to lose their friendship in name of relationship. People tend to have that mentality of not being to convince a girl. But that’s not the truth… the girl can be your darling if you follow the next following ways.
How to get a girlfriend in a week?
To understand “How to get a girlfriend in a week?” read the points mentioned below. Here are the 10 crucial points which can help you get a girlfriend in 1 week.
1. Express your feelings in an honest way
Honesty is the key to the successful relationship. Being honest takes guts but that is the valuable aspect to get your girl. Girls are the sensitive humans which tend to get hurt by small actions. To avoid any conflict or arguments, express your feelings in the most honest manner.
There might be cases where it could lead to fight but will strengthen your relationship. Say whatever is in your mind and she will definitely understand it.
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2. Be yourself
Being true to your self is really appreciated as there is no fakeness in oneself. If you pretend to be different than what actually you are, that will lead to misunderstandings amongst the two of you.
Act what you are, then she will be yours. People try to act fake or try to be overly nice with the person which later on turns cruel for the relationship. Don’t judge her on the basis of what she shares. Present yourself in a very sophisticated manner with etiquette.
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3. Compliment her
Say like” You are looking cute today”, “This dress looks awesome on you”, and it will make her day. The thing is not about seeking attention but it is about complimenting. This shows that you are noticing her and are expressing likings towards her.
She will take this as a token of love and would start enjoying your company. Be truthful to her about her beauty as girls are very sensitive about their look-how’s. Try to give her a genuine compliment.
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4. Make a plan
The best way to get her is to spend maximum quality time with her. Plan a small date to her favorite place, order her favorite food and wear her favorite shirt. These small gestures would act as brownie points for you. Try to know her likes, dislikes, dreams, aspirations etc. Talk while looking into her eyes and with a smile. Girls who love to talk will get a good listener. Visit the places which are romantic in nature and have serene environment.
Talk about what you aim for your future, this results into a belief that you are ambitious. On your first date, try not to mess the things with being physical or doing things which makes her feel uncomfortable. Handle the date with utmost confidence and love. Make her feel special and let her notice your efforts.
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5. Go and ask with Confidence
Approach with confidence to the girl and make her yours. Approach her confidently, and ask her out politely,” Will you the part of my life? An approach with good sense of humor can also leave a good impact on girls. A funny way to ask out could bring smile on her face. Don’t fumble or mess up the words which shows the weaker part of yourself.
6. Make her laugh
A good laughter sets everything right. Tease her in such a manner that it doesn’t hurt her self-respect. Crack jokes but don’t bore her with lame jokes. The innocent laugh between you will release you from the stress and she will experience a massive feeling of euphoric relief.
She might want to spend more time with you or hug you in the line of laughing. Always look for the things which makes her happy, may be a dog or an ice cream treat. Don’t mix teasing with faking around to grab attention.
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7. Flirt-Texting
Before directly jumping to physical touch, flirt with her on texts. Flood her inboxes with cute messages and messages which makes her blush. Compliment her in a sexy manner and create opportunities for her to flirt back. Don’t overcome the limit of flirting and it should be limited to her self-respect. If it is making her uncomfortable, then stop flirting back and apologize for the same. If the response seems positive, make her feel that she is special and you genuinely want to spend more time. While going out on date, flirting physically can also help you in positive way.
Sit beside her and behave like a gentleman. Brush something out of her hair but purposefully graze her neck with the back of your hand. This will definitely make her go weak in her knees. While sitting, play with her fingers and playfully hit her on her arm whenever she teases you.
While doing, if you experience that she is responding in the playful manner then go to next step. These are the indicator for the comfort zone she feels with you. Whenever she will feel secure, she would start getting attracted to you.
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8. Seal the deal with a kiss
Once you are out for a date, after making sure that everything is on right track, get closer to her. Jumping directly to kissing would be a bad decision. After making her feel comfortable, it is must to end the date on a good note.
Try to end the date with a cute kiss or without a kiss depending on the situation. Kiss her gently and not so wildly. If she responds back with same intensity, then try to get closer. Grab her in your arms, make her feel more special and make love.
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9. Invite her to your home
The date doesn’t end with a goodbye. The way forward would be inviting her to your home. Don’t force her if she is not willing to. Invite her over a board game, or a movie or a lunch party.
Introduce her to your close friends and family. Make her feel as she is a part of the small family. Invite her on functions and she will get along with other members also.
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10. Know her well
Girls are the apple of their parent’s eyes. They are grown with lots of care and affection. Try not to dominate her or suppress her feelings. Try to know every detail of her and family. Be aware of the smallest of her things and react accordingly.
Don’t overreact to her mood swings, instead pamper like a small baby. She needs the most of care during her menstruation. Respect her stage and put efforts to not spoil her day.
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These were the few tips to attract girls in one week. Follow without expectations and best is yet to come. Go with the honest feelings and true heart. Attract a girl to make your girlfriend and just not fake around. Keep the bond pure and fake-free, and she would love it. I hope, you have now understood “How to get a girlfriend in a week?”.
Nidhi Piludaria